Saturday, April 13, 2024

World Champion Title Fight

Week ended April 13, 2024. interesting news items to look at this week were:

World Champion Title Fight: I was quite reluctant to put my thoughts on paper in this week’s Blog because there is nothing to write about in economics and geopolitics except wars instigated by the Anglo Americans against all potential challengers. But life must go on and as a responsible husband and father, I need to take stock of what my duty requires for the preservation of well being for those under my charge. I suppose what one needs is a kind of Mips (Multi-directional Impact Protection System) for life generally. Although Mips is a concept for crash helmets (Fig. 1),

the idea is equally applicable to life as anything can happen out of the blue these days. So if I am allowed to make an Mips application, perhaps I can better monitor the potential forces and impact coming towards us and stay well clear of the damages that may happen. Quite honestly, the absolute absolute majority of us are just innocent bystanders who got caught in a fight of the titans and kraken but still we get hurt with if we are not careful. Worse still are those who have been deceived by the elites and were exploited as cannon fodder. To understand where the jabs and punches originate, a historical perspective of the causes of conflict is important. To gauge how heavy will be an incoming punch, some understanding of military operational art and weaponry is also necessary.  

(i) Round 5 of the World Champion Title Fight:   I would say we are currently in Round 5 of the Title Fight but before we give our prognosis on the likely outcome, it would be useful to explain our terms and synchronize our watches.

(ii) Round 1: Round 1 of the Title Fight began in 2017 when the Trump Administration applied derivative technology sanction against ZTE, the Chinese telecom company that sold telecom equipment to Iran. This was a combination punch routine with trade tariffs against Chinese products generally and US Corporate tax cuts designed to limit China’s climb up the value added supply chain and to lure American business to recapitalize in US domestic manufacturing. Originally thought to be a shock and awe move by the Anglo Americans, the Chinese were initially stunned but quickly moved into an effective defense position. I would not say the Chinese were totally unprepared as since the Chinese refused to further load up on US Treasuries since the US QE after the Lehman tsunami, the day of reckoning has been on the cards. There were no panic reaction by China and exports to US continued unabated. Quite the contrary, American Corporations squandered the tax cuts on stock buybacks and bonuses instead of a rejuvenation of  local manufacturing. In the end, it was US Consumers that paid for the added tariffs and US inflation and cost of living went up one notch.

(iii)  Round 2: Round 2 began in 2018 with detention of Meng Wanzhou, deputy chairperson of Huawei and daughter of Huawei founder with a concurrent chip embargo against Huawei to protect Apple iPhone from 5G competition. Huawei had to give up its own 5G division to survive this nuclear winter and Apple reigned supreme for a season. Despite the difficulties and stumbling blocks, China moved ahead steadily and determined to outlast the reigning king. US imports from China continued to climb.

(iv) Round 3: A weaponized chimeric virus was weaponized and released in Wuhan China in 2019. Faced with this unprecedented pandemic, China moved into a biological war footing with draconian measures to quarantine the pandemic to regions surrounding the source of outbreak. With a mRNA vaccine already in the hands of the Anglo Americans, their hubris of toppling China with a pandemic turned to be short lived, Unprepared for a severe blow-back eventually US ended up with a per million capita fatality of  3,642 for and  3,389 for UK but only 4 per million for China. Why I say Covid was a bio-weapon, it was simply because the chimeric gain of function of a SARS virus with a HIV pseudovirus glycoprotein 120 can only come about with a US Patented Insertion Process called PRRA (Proline-Arginine-Arginine-Alanine Insert). Fate has it that despite China self impose insolation, China could still maintain a functioning economy and support the rest of the world with its manufacturing prowess. On the other hand, the Anglo Americans had to resort to massive money printing to sustain a locked down society and sow the seeds for an eventual global de-dollarization.

(v)  Round 4: Unable to defeat China, the Anglo Americans decided to attack China’s allies and in 2022 forced Russia to initiate a Special Military Operation against Ukraine. Trained and financed by NATO for eight years, Ukraine was deployed as a battling ram against Russia. The idea of the Western elites was Russia was just a “a gas station masquerading as a country”. With the nuclear option in financial sanctions, a freezing of Russian FX Reserves and hard currency settlement mechanism, Russia would surely disintegrate and Putin deposed. Silly as it seems, but for years Western Elites had held numerous forums in the EU regarding their desire to Balkanize Russia into a dozen fragmented states with the spoils to be carved up by the old Colonial powers. So with the SMO, Russia already had anticipated every move by the Anglo Americans and at the worst been prepared to demilitarize not just Ukraine and NATO.

(vi) Round 5: Round 5 is the first major counter offensive by the Global South Alliance headed by BRICS. South Africa has successfully torn down the propaganda machine of  the Apartheid Zionists, Brazil had championed a reform of Global Governance at the G20, China had turned offensive on the New Three - photovoltaics, lithium-ion batteries and new energy vehicles together with a major come back of Huawei high end mobile phones and chip breakthrough that left Apple spinning and Washington stunt. Russia will likely finish Ukraine by end of Summer but the most interesting part is the draining of the West of all its available inventory of precious metals, both gold and silver.  When the stripping away of the real base money is done, the last pretence of value that the archaic Global Reserve Currency may have will also disappear. Only a Banana Republic would finance a run away budget deficit with short term Treasury bills and in the current calender year that is exactly what the US Treasury would do - up to $7 trillion. As Gerald Celente says “when all else fails, they take you to war”.

So my friends, please prepare for an accelerated decline in the purchasing power of all fiat currencies and an on set of a very severe inflation.  Be prepare for lawlessness, shortages and anger in the streets, Be prepared for another bio-warfare and eventually for a very brutal kinetic war.  

Revelation 6:7  When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come and see." 8  So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. 


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