Saturday, November 18, 2023

Ukraine and Gaza Wars to Connect EU to Mediterranean Gas

Week ended November 17, 2023, interesting news items to look at this week were:

 1. Ukraine and Gaza wars to Connect EU to Mediterranean Gas: This week the alternative media is buzzed with revelations of key economic drivers behind the Ukrainian and Gaza wars. The Ukraine war is to sabotage Russian gas supply to Europe and the Gaza War is for Israel to substitute and monopolize piped gas supply from the Mediterranean Leviathan Gas Fields. (Fig. 1).

News and analysis of such a nature would never receive official confirmation nor covered in depth by MSM, so it is up to readers to judge the validity of the many data pixels and the broad picture that these data collectively revealed.

(i) Nord Stream Gas Pipelines Sabotaged: 6 months into the Ukraine war, the Nord Stream pipelines suffered a sabotaged explosion. But even before Russia’s SMO into Ukraine, Joe Biden already guaranteed on Feb 7, 2022, the Nord Stream Pipelines will be put out of commission. (Fig. 2).

“From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks”, Joe Biden is well known for his inability to control his mouth as was just demonstrated by calling Xi a dictator in Xi’s current visit to US, a visit pleaded on for months by the Administration Officials, to boost Biden’s chances for reelection.

One year after the sabotage, Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer Award Investigative Journalist, points the finger at the White House. (Fig. 3).

Now with the Gaza war and MSM almost totally forgotten about Ukraine, CIA this week through Wapo came up with a hilarious scapegoat  - Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky as the principal coordinator for the Nord Stream bombing. (Fig. 4).

I suppose CIA wants to clear the rumor mill well ahead of the next stage of connecting Israel Gas to Europe. Zelensky probably also wanted to undermine his presidential election competitor, General
Zaluzhny, after all Chervinsky is one of Zaluzhy’s boys. Killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.

(ii) Mediterranean Natural Gas - There are a number of contenders for natural gas in the Mediterranean Seas, namely Egypt, Hamas, Israel, Lebanon and Turkey. In November 2022, one project was floated which could bring Israel and Hamas together as partners. (Fig. 5).

It is simple science that a pocket of natural gas that sits in an area crossing different national boundaries would move according to gas pressure differentials but not man made sovereignty delineation. There is further complications with new drilling technologies that a platform in Israel’s territorial waters could employ angular or horizontal drilling techniques to tap into deep sea natural gas in other nearby jurisdictions. Dominance over natural gas in the Mediterranean is a classic contest for national security and prosperity. Israel and Lebanon has been in dispute over gas reserves in the East Mediterranean, the Leviathan Gas Fields, since 2010 and settlement was only achieved in 2022. (Fig. 6)


(iii) Europe’s Piped Natural Gas Import and Significance of the Leviathan Gas Project: Before the Ukrainian War, Europe imported 5.4 trillion cu feet of piped natural gas from Russia with a then market value equivalent to US$182 billion. Gas Reserve at the Leviathan Gas Field is estimated to be 22 trillion cu feet making an export sales potential to Europe at $750 billion. Beyond the monetary value, a US/Israeli control of this gas supply to Europe would have a higher strategic significance than NATO itself - keeping US in, Russia out and Germany down. Sadly for the Anglo Americans, all the prior scheming for the Ukraine proxy war came to nothing as Nato and the Zelensky’s military machine is progressively ground down by Russia. It is probable that by Spring 2024, Ukraine would likely be forced to bend the knee. Would a declining Anglo American Empire and Zionist race to connect gas supply from Israel to Europe before EU slips out of their control, yes you bet. Would they destroy any resistance to their plan by exterminating Hamas and evict all Palestinians in Gaza. Remember Syria was almost destroyed between 2012 to 2015 for choosing to back an Iranian pipeline to Europe over the US backed Qatar pipeline. (Fig. 7).

US is still illegally occupying parts of Syria and together with Israel had bombed Syria four times in the current Gaza War.

(iv) Amid ongoing war, BP and Eni among firms awarded gas exploration licenses in Israel (Fig 8):

On October 29, exploration concessions were given to two consortia comprised Israeli, British, Italian interests and State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic despite the ongoing war. Prior exploration rights were given to Chevron Corp and and even Gazprom in 2015.

1Timothy 6:10  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Populism and Palace Politics are not one and the same. Understand what is at the centre of the current struggle between nations. My friends, please do not get all worked up by so called anti-semitism or other MSM war propaganda. Media sensationalism are meant for distraction and to sap away your time and your energies. In all that you do, seek wisdom. Be blessed.

2. Sitrep Ukraine War:

(i) EU admits it won’t keep Ukraine ammunition promise (Fig. 9).

(ii) WSJ admits "Magical Thinking" Guided Its Reporting On Ukraine... Many Thousands Of Deaths Later (Fig. 10).

The end is drawing closer.

3. See the detailed UN vote count as is who is for, against and abstain for Humanitarian Cease Fire in Gaza. (Fig. 11)

This week’s financial markets:

A. Stock Market: (Fig. 12): Dow closed at 34,947 for the week, a rise of 664 points or +1.93%, S&P 500 +2.35% and NASDAQ +2.00%.. 

In celebration of the Nov Fed Pause and a softer inflation rate, CTA (Commodities Trading Advisory) bought 70 billion of most American stocks over the past 10 days. (Fig. 13)

We all know CTA are highly leveraged, algo driven, options and derivatives armed HFT funds that are employed to impact sentiment on a certain direction of the market. So enjoy the little sunshine in between dark clouds or just free yourself from shackles when the going is good. As for me, the last few % window dressing rally is too much excitement for my old age. I am more looking forward for the Christmas dinner with family. Here in Australia, it is a summer Christmas and the favorites are oysters and tiger pawns and not turkeys and hams. (Fig. 14).

B. Debt Market: (Fig. 15): USGG10YR ended the week at 4.439%, an increase of 20.7 basis points. 

The 10 YR Note prices were bid up by 1.67%, along with the sentiment of the stock market. Funds trading sentiment is one thing, the other spectrum sees a further cooling of credit market with $63 billion commercial bank deposit outflows and continued loan volume contraction. (Fig. 16).

C. Commodities and Precious Metals: Trading results for the week: (Fig. 17) Silver (+6.69%), Uranium (+5.89%), Rubble (+2.57%), Gold (+2.32%), SPX500 (+2.25%), Eur (+2.10%), NASDAQ (+2.00%), GBP (+1.85%), JPY( +1.31%), Rmb (+1.09%), Oil (-1.56%) and Bitcoin (-2.20%).

Last week I said Energy, Precious Metals and Russian Ruble were uncharacteristically manipulated down, probably to set a stage to report a lower inflation number and this week we saw a reversion back to a more sensible level. Oil was the exception with derivative suppression by the Powers That Be to counter a fear of supply disruption that might go against a narrative of a lower inflation outlook. I found such monetary psyop tactics quite old fashion as OPEC+ would simply talk oil price back up by a bluff of production cuts. (Fig. 18)

Proverbs 6:16  These six things the LORD hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17  A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18  A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil, 19  A false witness who speaks lies, And one who sows discord among brethren.        

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